CHS 6 Question Paper SET 2012

  1. Write the greatest number that can be formed with the digit 1, 9, 3 and 8.
    1. 1938
    2. 8913
    3. 3918
    4. 9831
  2. A man covers 3 meters in one second.  His speed in km/hour is:
    1. 10.8 km/hour
    2. 108 km/hour
    3. 7.6 km/hour
    4. 8.4 km/hour
  3. The number 49 is in Roman numeral form:
    1. XXXXIX
    2. X LIX
    3. LXIX
    4. XXLIX
  4. Cost of 7.5 kg of Apple is Rs. 450.  what would be the cost of 3.5 kg of Apple?
    1. 200
    2. 210
    3. 180
    4. 250
  5. the simplest form of 6992 is:
    1. 23
    2. 34
    3. 36
    4. 612
  6. The smallest fraction among 34, 56, 23 and 712 is:
    1. 34
    2. 56
    3. 23
    4. 712
  7. If each edge of a cube is 3 cm,  the volume of the cube is:
    1. 9 cm3
    2. 27 cm3
    3. 27 cm
    4. 27   cm2
  8. If the cost price of 12 pencil is equal to the selling price of 15 pencil,  then % loss is:
    1. 20%
    2. 25%
    3. 15%
    4. 18%
  9. Find the area of a circle whose radius is 4 centimetre:
    1. 24 cm2
    2. 48 cm2
    3. 56.50 cm2
    4. 50.24 cm2
  10. Sum of which following two number is divided by 9?
    1. 23 and 55
    2. 18 and 42
    3. 26 and 28
    4. 17 and 21
  11. Find the even multiple of 7 which lies between 90 and 100.
    1. 92
    2. 94
    3. 96
    4. 98
  12. shaded portion of the following a square represents:
    1. 50%
    2. 75%
    3. 80%
    4. 95%
  13. The H.C.F. and L.C.M. Of two numbers are 16 and 576 respectively.  if one of the numbers is 64, find the other number:
    1. 156
    2. 144
    3. 126
    4. 150
  14. Mohan borrowed ₹50,000 at 16%  per annum interest rate from a finance company.  how much money he will have to return after 512 years.
    1. ₹94000
    2. ₹94600
    3. ₹96400
    4. ₹96000
  15. If the length and breadth of a rectangle is doubled then its perimeter is:
    1. Doubled
    2. Tripled
    3. Halved
    4. Four times
  16. The subtraction 4.4 – 2.39 is:
    1. 2.10
    2. 2.01
    3. 1.20
    4. 1.02
  17. change the decimal fraction 19.543 into common fraction:
    1. 19543100
    2. 195431000
    3. 1954310000
    4. 19543100000
  18. The product of multiplication of 12174 is :
    1. 1268
    2. 2417
    3. 4817
    4. 3668
  19. The value of 23..07 + 1000 is:
    1. 2.307
    2. 0.2307
    3. 0.02307
    4. 0.002307
  20. convert 0.6625 into a smallest fraction.
    1. 580
    2. 5380
    3. 380
    4. 38
  21. The percent concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere is:
    1. 15%
    2. 21%
    3. 25%
    4. 30%
  22. the moon is a natural………..
    1. Planet
    2. Satellite
    3. Star
    4. none of these
  23.  Frogs  live:
    1. in water only
    2. on land only
    3. Both  in water and on land
    4. On  trees only
  24. Plants make food in the process of:
    1. Photorespiration
    2. Respiration
    3. Photosynthesis
    4. Transpiration
  25. Insects have ………..  pairs of legs:
    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three
    4. Four
  26. Which of the following is not a sedimentary rock :
    1. Pumice
    2. Shale
    3. Dolomite
    4. Sandstone
  27. ………………. Is a force which stops moving things:
    1. Friction
    2. Work
    3. Energy
    4. Electricity
  28. The  Motion Of the pendulum is:
    1. Periodic
    2. Circular
    3. Rectilinear
    4. Rotatory
  29. Circulatory system has the following organs:
    1. Kidney and Ureters
    2. Windpipe and bronchi
    3. Muscles and nerves
    4. Heart and blood vessels
  30. Soil erosion can be controlled by:
    1. Constructions of bunds
    2. Growing grasses
    3. Terracing
    4. All of the above
  31. Conjunctivitis is a common infection of:
    1. Eyes
    2. Ears
    3. Gums
    4. Skin
  32. The gas released during photosynthesis is:
    1. O2
    2. CO2
    3. H2
    4. N2
  33. which one of the following is not an electric conductor:
    1. Wood
    2. Iron
    3. Steel
    4. Copper
  34. Oxygen gas is a :
    1. Mixture
    2. Element
    3. Compound
    4. none of these
  35. Animals that breathe through spiracle are:
    1. Snakes
    2. Insects
    3. Fish
    4. Earthworms
  36. Which of the following does not work by air pressure:
    1. Syringe
    2. Fan
    3. Siphon
    4. water pump
  37. which of the following is a parasite plant:
    1. Rose
    2. Pitcher plant
    3. Rafflesia
    4. Lotus
  38. Chlorophyll is a:
    1. yellow pigment
    2. brown pigment
    3. green pigment
    4. red pigment
  39. backbone protects:
    1. spinal cord
    2. Lungs
    3. Heart
    4. Kidney
  40. Gases have :
    1. Definite shape
    2. Definite  volume
    3. both of these
    4. none of these
  41. ‘बादल’  शब्द का पर्यायवाची है-
    1. जलज
    2. जल
    3. नीरद
    4. नीरज
  42. ‘ उदय’  शब्द का विलोम है-
    1. अस्त
    2. शाम
    3. डूबना
    4. सवेरा
  43. निम्नलिखित में से शुद्ध कौन सा है-
    1. श्रिमति
    2. श्रिमती
    3. श्रीमती
    4. श्रीमति
  44. महाभारत में कृष्ण ने गीता का ज्ञान किसे दिया था?
    1. अर्जुन
    2.  भीम
    3. नकुल
    4. दुर्योधन
  45. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा शब्द संज्ञा है?
    1. काला
    2. सुंदर
    3. मोहन
    4. छोटा
  46. ‘ जो आसानी से ना मिले’  के लिए एक शब्द बताएं-
    1. सुलभ
    2. दुर्लभ
    3. निर्दयी
    4. साकार
  47. ‘अपना उल्लू सीधा करना’  मुहावरे का अर्थ है-
    1. अपना मतलब निकालना
    2. क्रोध में होश खो बैठना
    3. बहुत क्रोधित होना
    4. कमर सीधी करना
  48. दिए गए वाक्य में से विस्मयादिबोधक शब्द बताइए- ‘उफ !  कितनी गरमी है’
    1. कितनी गरमी
    2. उफ !
    3. कितनी
    4. गरमी
  49. प्रेमचंद की कहानी ‘ ईदगाह’  का एक प्रसिद्ध पात्र है-
    1. बैल
    2. मोहन
    3. हामिद
    4. होरी
  50. ‘ नींबू खट्टा है’.  वाक्य में कौन सा विशेषण है-
    1. संख्यावाचक
    2. सार्वनामिक
    3. परिणाम वाचक
    4. गुणवाचक
  51. शेर पेड़……………  सो रहा था. रिक्त स्थान में उचित संबंधबोधक अव्यय भरे.
    1. पर
    2. के साथ
    3. के नीचे
    4. के अंदर
  52. अर्जुन के धनुष का क्या नाम था?
    1. पांचजन्य
    2. अनंत विजय
    3. कौशल्या
    4.  गाण्डीव
  53. ‘निष्काम’  का संधि विच्छेद है-
    1. नि + काम
    2. निष्+ काम
    3. निस्+काम
    4. नि: + काम
  54. ‘ वर्ण’ के कितने भेद होते हैं?
    1. 3
    2. 4
    3. 2
    4. 6
  55. ‘ गंगा’  है ………………… संज्ञा।
    1. व्यक्तिवाचक
    2. जातिवाचक
    3. भाववाचक
    4. द्रव्यवाचक
  56. ‘धरा’  शब्द का सही अर्थ है-
    1. धरना
    2. धारण करना
    3. धरती
    4. रखना
  57. बानी का तत्सम रूप है-
    1. वाणी
    2. बाणी
    3. बाणि
    4. वाणि
  58. महीने में दो बार प्रकाशित पत्रिका को कहते हैं-
    1. मासिक
    2. पाक्षिक
    3. दैनिक
    4. सप्ताहिक
  59. तुलसीदास द्वारा रचित ग्रंथ है-
    1. रामायण
    2. रामचरितमानस
    3. महाभारत
    4. भगवत गीता
  60. भगवान कृष्ण की माता का क्या नाम था?
    1. कुंती
    2. गंधारी
    3. कौशल्या
    4. देवकी
  61. Where is the ‘Sun Temple’  is situated?
    1. Delhi
    2. Puri
    3. Konark
    4. Jammu
  62. which city is situated on the bank of river Hooghly?
    1. Nashik
    2. Surat
    3. Delhi
    4. Kolkata
  63. R.K. Laxman is famous for which art?
    1. playback singing
    2. Cartoon making
    3. classical dance
    4. Painting
  64. Where is the head office of UNO situated?
    1. Washington
    2. New York
    3. London
    4. Geneva
  65. where the ‘ Jim Corbet Park’  situated ?
    1. Tamil Nadu
    2. Rajasthan
    3. Uttarakhand
    4. Delhi
  66. ‘ cover drive’  what is used in which game ?
    1. Cricket
    2. Judo
    3. Polo
    4. hockey
  67. Who invented the fountain ?
    1. Waterman
    2. John L. Baird
    3. Graham Bell
    4. Alfred Nobel
  68. ‘ Sundervan’ Is situated in the state of …………..
    1. Uttar Pradesh
    2. Madhya Pradesh
    3. Tamil Nadu
    4. Paschim Bangal
  69. which of the following is known as ‘ the  City of lakes’ ?
    1. Udaipur
    2. Tokyo
    3. Jaipur
    4. Berlin
  70. ‘Yen’  is the currency of which country ?
    1. Japan
    2. England
    3. Austria
    4.  Rassia
  71. which is the hardest variety of carbon ?
    1. Coal
    2. Diamond
    3. Graphite
    4. Chalk
  72. What is ‘Kalbeliya’ ?
    1. A type of dance
    2. a musical instrument
    3. a painting
    4. Yoga
  73. Nobel Prize is not given for ?
    1. Medicine
    2. Economics
    3. Physics
    4. Sports
  74. where is ‘ Golconda Fort’  situated ?
    1. Tamil Nadu
    2. Kerala
    3. Andhra Pradesh
    4. Karnataka
  75. at higher altitude,  it is ………… to breathe-
    1. Easy
    2. Difficult
    3. Impossible
    4. no difference
  76. who is the present Prime Minister of India ?
    1. Mamata Banerjee
    2. Manmohan Singh
    3. Sonia Gandhi
    4. Narendra Modi
  77. Which revolution is mainly associated with Anna Hazare ?
    1. lokpal bill
    2. women education
    3. Kauvery water dispute
    4. Environmental movement
  78. ‘Bharat Kala Bhawan’  is situated in-
    1. Kolkata
    2. Varanasi
    3. New Delhi
    4. Lucknow
  79. Who was the master (Guru) of Chandragupt Maurya ?
    1. Dronacharya
    2. Kripacharya
    3. Chanakya
    4. Vashishta
  80. ‘ Quran’  is the sacred book of-
    1. Parsi
    2. Jevis
    3. Islam
    4. Sikhs
  81. What is the simple past tense of the word “Fall” ?
    1. Fell
    2. Falling
    3. Fallen
    4. Falls
  82. What is the young one of ‘cow’ called ?
    1. Calf
    2. Cub
    3. Colt
    4. joey
  83. What is the opposite of the word ‘laugh’ ?
    1. Happy
    2. Sad
    3. Lucky
    4. Weep
  84. Find the correct word to fill in the blank :- ‘the ………..  is cold today’.
    1. Whether
    2. Weather
    3. Wither
    4. Waether
  85. Which one is the correct spelling for ‘Head of High School’ ?
    1. Principle
    2. Principal
    3. Princepal
    4. Prinsipal
  86. Plural of thief is ………
    1. Thieves
    2. Thiefs
    3. Thiefes
    4. Theifs
  87. Fill with correct determiner :- He Does not have ……… money.
    1. Many  
    2. Very
    3. An
    4. Much
  88. Choose  the conjunction-
    1. Between
    2. Among
    3. Because
    4. Never
  89. Which of the following is feminine gender ?
    1. Cock
    2. Dog
    3. Duck
    4. Fox
  90. Choose the right option for the following sentence :- My friend is suffering from fever ………. a week.
    1. Since
    2. For
    3. From
    4. none of these
  91. the word ‘club’ is example of-
    1. common noun
    2. Proper noun
    3. collective noun
    4. abstract noun
  92. find out the misspelt word-
    1. Deceive
    2. Receive
    3. Conceive
    4. Achieve
  93. I got …………..  one rupee note on the road-
    1. A
    2. An
    3. The
    4. At
  94. It is a wrong answer. the word ‘wrong’ is………..
    1. Adjective
    2. Adverb
    3. Noun
    4. Verb
  95. The feminine gender of ‘nephew’ :
    1. Sister
    2. Aunt
    3. Daughter
    4. Niece
  96. Ramesh is senior ………. me in age.
    1. Than
    2. To
    3. By
    4. From
  97. ‘Flew’ is the past simple form of the verb-
    1. Flee
    2. Flow
    3. Fly
    4. Fleat
  98. Choose the correct interrogative pronoun to fill in the blanks in the following sentence:

I have two pens ………….  do you want ?

    1. Whose
    2. When
    3. Which
    4. What
  1. The life history of a man written by  someone else is called:
    1. Biography
    2. Autobiography
    3. Memoir
    4. Record
  2. antonym of the word ‘advantage’ is-
    1. Unadvantage
    2. Disadvantage
    3. both of these
    4. None


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